Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sincere Devotion to Truth Is More Important than Approval from Officialdom.

For many centuries Korean civilization has venerated learning, truth, and wisdom. Its cultured was centered around the Confucian literati who were devoted to writing, recording, and reflection. It has a long history in the training in ethics and appreciation of good governance and deeds. So, why did Korean society for most of its existence remain so static, corrupt, infantile, ridiculous, closed-minded, small-minded, petty & petulant, and stultifying?
It was because, despite the professed concern for truth and integrity, Korean civilization was more about status, privilege, and approval. Because gaining status and winning approval permeated every crevice of Korean society, even those who were ostensibly committed to truth and learning were mainly interested in doing the correct thing — than the right thing — in order to gain position and privilege. To an extent, there was nothing exceptional about this problem among Koreans. Most cultures and societies were held back by same or similar problems: the preference for status and approval over truth and integrity. And this is true not only of modern Korea but modern society in general. We all make compromises on a daily basis to get along. And in some ways, such mode of behavior is necessary because if everyone insisted on his or her truth, we would all be bickering endlessly as everyone has his or her own vision/sense of truth. Especially in business and politics(in a democratic society), we can’t have everything we want. Indeed, extreme individualism leads to a kind of totalitarian mind-set. It is a way of saying, "I am so right that the entire world must do as I say." This is the central problem of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. She was for the freedom of the great individual, but it implied that some individuals are so great that their truths should prevail over everyone else who is just a little ant.

Though we all need to compromise, there are times when we must say NO. There are times when we must insist that our truth is better than the official truth. Without such integrity and will, there cannot be men like Galileo and Copernicus. If the whole point of life is to just go along and seek status/approval, then there is no need for anyone to think outside the box or do anything that goes against the grain. The prevailing social norms may have value in providing stability and continuity, but they could also harbor falsehoods, dogmas, and superstitions that serve as taboos against those seeking the higher or deeper truth. While it’s often the case that 99 people are right and 1 person is wrong, there are cases when 1 person is right and 99 people are wrong. And it is sometimes the honest truth-teller who, despite being vastly outnumbered, is willing to notice and speak the truth. Consider the main character of Henrik Ibsens’ THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE who insists on his truth against the pressures of the community.

While all of education and social elevation involve some degree of conformism and approval-seeking for status and privilege, the core meaning of education, learning, and expression is to absorb what is true and convey what is meaningful. And each person must decide on his own as to the nature of what is true and untrue, what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is meaningful and what is meaningless. And this devotion to truth cannot be learned overnight. Rather, it must be inculcated in the young whose minds shouldn’t only be fed with information but encouraged to think freely, ask questions, ponder problems, consider contradictions, and posit speculations. Students mustn’t only have their minds crammed with officially approved knowledge but be encouraged to process what is taught to them in their own individual and idiosyncratic ways. Otherwise, one isn’t learning to arrive at the higher/deeper truth but merely gaining the ‘right’ kind of knowledge to gain approval of the elites and to enter the corridors of privilege. This was why Korean tradition of scholarship failed to yield great thinkers, philosophers, and writers comparable to the extraordinary individuals of greater civilizations. Not only was Korea overly slavish to the cultural concepts and ideals of China but Korean scholar-students overly focused on learning the ‘right’ kind of knowledge to gain status and privilege. The main emphasis was on gaining status for family honor and personal ego than on discovering the higher/deeper truth.
This is a problem in all societies of course. Even in the West, many students soon learn the lesson that certain kinds of knowledge are approved while other kinds of knowledge are not. So, if you want to gain positions in college, government, and business, you have to learn to say the ‘right’ kinds of things. America is certainly a far less free nation than decades ago in terms of intellectual discourse and tolerance of ‘disapproved’ opinions. Politically Correct Jewish Liberals and homosexual elites have a lock on most powerful institutions that decide on what does and doesn’t constitute the Official Truth.

Because centuries of Korean history created a culture of mindless obedience, conformism, status-worship, and approval-seeking, both Korea and Korean-America have produced educated elites that care more about status and privilege than about truth and integrity. North Korea is, of course, a total slave state. But even South Korea, though a ‘liberal democracy’, has an education system that stresses performance on tests over other considerations. Korean parents are heavily involved in education of their children, but most of their energy is devoted to urging their kids do well on exams to gain a foothold into elite society than in pursuing knowledge for the sake of higher/deeper truth. Most Korean students and parents will favor learning falsehoods if doing so will improve the chances of social success. They don’t care if anything is true or false. Their main commitment is to making sure the kids do better on exams and gaining the approval of the elites(who generally happen to be collaborationist stooges of America).

Of course, much of what the students are made to study have value. There are science classes teaching science and there are math classes teaching math problems. And most of hard science and math tend to favor hard facts and logic over ideological considerations. But in the area of history, literature, social sciences, and humanities, one must not simply swallow the official truth because those disciplines are intertwined with ideology, politics, and the biases of the teachers(and the system that has trained and selected them). One must develop critical skills and a sense of individuality committed to seeking and speaking the truth. If one studies those subjects just to get good grades and do well on tests without examining the deeper meanings and without pondering alternative possibilities, then one has chosen mindless conformism for the sake of status and privilege than a commitment to truth and meaning. One has chosen to become a slave of political correctness.

Because of people’s desire for the good life and social honors, it is understandable why education and social success are intertwined. Many people see education as a pathway and an opportunity to gain success, status, and money in life. But if education is regarded only in a mercenary way, it leads to the conformism of the mind. While an ambitious individual may pursue education to succeed in life and revel in his individual achievements, his individualism may have value only in terms of material success while having no value in terms of truth. After all, there are people in North Korea who say and do just the ‘right’ thing to gain social elevation and gain status in life. They spout the correct paeans to Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Su. They regurgitate the same Marxist-Stalinst-Kim-ist dogmas. They do everything that is ‘right’ and correct for socio-politico-economic success, but they never utter a single word of truth, integrity, and courage.
Things are surely better in South Korea and in Korean-America, but even there, a kind of conformism prevails because the dominant mode of Koreans in both Korea and Korean-America is an Anxiety of Status. In this sense, it may well be that less successful and less socially elevated Koreans and Korean-Americans may have the advantage in seeking and speaking the truth. They have less to lose for speaking their minds(but then they don’t control the media and academia to get their ideas and messages across). After all, if one’s main priority in life is to gain success and enter the world of elites, one must play by the rules that are approved by the powers-that-be that decide what is and isn’t the Official Truth. It’s like all American politicians must sign a pledge to AIPAC in order to have any chance at winning elections. And increasingly, due to the Jewish-Homosexual alliance, it’s becoming nearly impossible for anyone in America to gain any kind of real success or privilege unless he or she supports ‘gay marriage’ or ‘same-sex marriage’.
Of course, as people don’t want to admit that they are craven cowards, they convince themselves that they sincerely believe in the goodness of ‘gay marriage’. They collaborate as cowards — since failing to do so will deny them a place in the elite world — but then pretend that it was all voluntary and heart-felt. And in order to convince themselves that they really do believe in ‘gay marriage’, they viciously attack others who don’t agree. It was the same under communism in China. Many people went along with Maoism out of fear and because they had no choice, especially if they sought social elevation in the Communist Party. But since they didn’t want to admit to themselves that they acted out of cowardice, they convinced themselves that their commitment to Maoism was totally sincere with rabid displays of support and vicious denunciations of anyone deemed insufficiently enthusiastic.
Likewise, many Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese rationalized their decision by pretending that they’d gone along out of free will and for the good of the country since Japan was doing much to develop Korea economically and socially. It’s like so many South Koreans and Korean-Americans slavishly go along with American power but pretend that they are equal partners or equal citizens in America. In fact, they’ve been little more than running dogs doing as ordered by Uncle Sam. But if Uncle Sam in the past represented the kinds of moral values and social norms that were in sync(more or less)with modern Korean values and norms, the New America dominated by Jewish and Homo minority-elites seeks to undermine the values that favor majority norms and values. Korean-Americans, being minorities themselves, may identify with Jews and homosexuals who are also minorities, but the difference is Jews and homosexuals are minority elites whereas Korean-Americans(even successful ones) are no more than servants of America’s ruling class dominated by Jews and homosexuals.
While American Jews are invested in strengthening Israel as a Jewish state, they are working to destabilize and weaken Korea as a Korean state. While American Jews want Jews in Israel to have more kids and allow only Jewish immigration, they tell Koreans to have fewer kids and import non-Koreans in huge numbers until Korea is no longer majority-Korean. Will Koreans and Korean-Americans sign onto this program as craven collaborators just to appease and win approval of the Jewish-and-homosexual elites? Will Korean-Americans and Koreans push for ‘gay marriage’ in Korea just to win approval — like dog wanting to be petted — of the Jewish-and-homosexual elites of America? If indeed the main focus of Korean and Korean-American educational culture is to gain status and seek approval of the powers-that-be, then this is what most Korean elites will do. They will be less devoted to preserving and protecting their nation & culture than in gaining the approval and recognition of their globalist masters who dominate the United States that is now ruled by Jews and homosexuals. Since Jews and homosexuals are minority-elites of America, they try to spread their influence around the world by funding homosexual communities in other nations to act as their proxies. So, the Russian homosexual community is largely funded and advised by globalist Jews and homosexuals in America. So, Jews and homosexuals are funding homosexual communities in Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan. As America sees those places as satellite states of the US, they are trying to plant the ‘gay flag’ of neo-imperialist occupation as part of Pax Americana.

If one’s main purpose in learning is to attain the approval of the ruling elites and to gain elevated status(to rub shoulders with the privileged classes), then one’s mode of life will not be fundamentally different from that of a status-seeker in North Korea. Such an individual isn’t interested in the truth and meaning but in economic success and social approval AT ANY COST, indeed even at the cost of selling one’s soul, which is worse than selling one’s body. Ever so slavish to the powers-that-be that decide who gets to succeed and who doesn’t — in accordance to the official orthodoxy of the moment — , individuals who choose such a path will be blind to their own servility and mindless conformism. Similarly, dogs think they are free as they run around, but all they are doing is playing fetch for their masters. And sadly, most Korean and Korean-American intellectuals, academics, and media people are like this. They have a toady mentality that prefers success over all else.

Consider the Korean folktale of two brothers and birds:

In the story, the younger brother finds an injured bird, shelters it, waits until it heals, and then sets it free. He did it simply because he wanted to do good. He wasn’t looking for any material rewards. The bird, however, returns with gourd seeds that, upon sprouting and growing into plants, yield all kinds of treasures. So, the younger brother is rewarded in the long run, but the main point of the story is he did it because he believed in doing what was right. Even if he hadn’t been rewarded by the bird, he would have taken pride in what he did because he did it out of a sense of goodness and truth.

In contrast, his older brother, envious of the rewards reaped by the younger brother, decides to do like his brother did. He finds himself a bird, willfully injures it, then heals it, and sets it free in the hope that the bird will return with gifts for him as well. The bird does indeed return with seeds, but from the seeds grow a series of plants that pour forth with punishments than rewards.
Outwardly, the younger brother and older brother did nearly the same thing. They both healed and took care of injured birds and set them free. But the crucial difference is the younger brother did it out of goodwill and in accordance with his sense of truth. He didn’t injure the bird. He took care of a bird that was already injured. And he did it simply because he believed in it. He wasn’t looking for any rewards. In contrast, the older brother willfully injured the bird and took care of it only because he wanted to be materially rewarded.

This is the difference between true devotion to learning and the kind of learning that prevails all too often in Korean and Korean-American society. Instead of a true dedication to truth and knowledge, Koreans and Korean-Americans just want to do well on exams and parrot the officially approved answers to gain a foothold in the realm of status and privilege. They will do anything to win the Nobel Prize in literature. The prize and recognition are more important to Koreans than sincere devotion to truth and beauty.
Again, Koreans and Korean-Americans aren’t the ONLY people who do this. Most Americans are craven cowards who will bend over backwards to the Jewish and homosexual elites in America who control most of the elite institutions. Since Koreans and Korean-Americans are far less powerful than white Americans, it’s understandable that they just want to go along to get along and win some rewards from the elites who decide who gets in and who doesn’t.

But this is the way of cowards and opportunists. It is the way of collaborationists not unlike the collaborationists who participated with the Japanese colonization of Korea, American division of Korea(with the USSR), the Soviet installment of a Stalinist system in North Korea, and American insistence that South Korea take part in the destruction of Vietnam in return for material-economic rewards and favoritism. True, South Koreans and Korean-Americans have gained a measure of economic success and cultural recognition thanks to their collaboration with the US-dominated world order, but can Koreans and Korean-Americans really claim to be free and independent? Aren’t they really prostitutes who got rich by submitting to and collaborating with whoever happens to have the power? Why are so many Koreans and Korean-Americans like lemmings who just follow-the-leader? It’s because they are slavish toward anything that might bring them a measure of social success and approval.

In some ways, things are worse now than in the past because South Korea and Korean-America are, more or less, success stories. In the past when there was much poverty, chaos, and political repression in South Korea, many people were willing to rise up, protest, and challenge the official dogma. And prior to the rise of political correctness in America, there was much free debate and respect for controversies in American social and political life. But with the economic rise of South Korea, most Koreans have lost the fire to stand up and argue. They just want to do the correct thing to go to good schools and be approved and accepted by the elites. Since there’s no more overt political repression — as during the military-rule era — , most young people have become complacent, obsessed with dumb pop culture, and interested only in socio-economic success. Such single-minded-ness doesn’t do much for individuality, integrity, and courage. As for Korean-Americans, they live and breathe the air of inferiority complex. Though they act ‘outgoing’ and ‘expressive’ in the generic American way, they just say and do whatever in order to be accepted and approved by the prevailing norms of political correctness and the cult of diversity peddled by the ruling elites. They are so eager to win approval of Americans that they want ‘gay marriage’ to become law in South Korea and wouldn’t mind if all of Korea were to become just the 51st state of the United States and be demographically and culturally wiped off the map through massive immigration and race-mixing. They will do anything to win the approval of American globalism dominated by Jews and homosexuals.

If Koreans had real sense, they would ask, "Why do American Jews urge open borders and massive immigration for Korea but support higher birthrates and restricted immigration(only for Jews) in Israel?" But Koreans and Korean-Americans never ask that question because their commitment to truth and sense is always secondary to their striving for status and success by whatever means necessary. Instead of challenging the Jewish and homosexual imperialist elites, Korean-Americans merely ask for instructions and orders like servile little dogs.
In this sense, the new Korea and Korean-America aren’t fundamentally different in mind-set from Old Korea and North Korea. Truth and integrity are secondary to status and success, even if status and success are gained through slavish adherence to official dogma pushed by the ruling elites(which is the Kim clan in North Korea and the Jewish-homosexual alliance in the US that now threatens nations around the world with economic ruin unless they collaborate and sign onto ‘gay marriage’, thereby turning the nations around the world into neo-imperialist colonies of the United States corrupted by Jewish and homosexual elites).

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Popularity of Plastic Surgery in Korea Proves How Shallow & Stupid Koreans Are.

There is a certain basic standard of beauty, but beauty or attractiveness is as much about the differences/uniqueness as about the ‘ideal’. For example, if everyone looked like a Barbie Doll, all the women in the world might be pretty, but they would also be boring. They would be ‘plastic’. Anyone with real aesthetic sense knows this. Any people with racial and cultural pride know this. Any individual with a strong sense of self knows this. But Koreans lack aesthetic sense, racial-cultural confidence, and individual pride. They just look to whatever happens to be the Prevailing Standard around the world and try to imitate it. So, if the Western Standard of beauty is dominant, Korean girls try to look ‘white’. (Though Korean women who get plastic surgery often insist they are not trying to look white, their requests for treatment usually make them look more like white people.) And if a certain kind of hyped look becomes fashionable in Korean culture — through trashy K-Pop where women strut around like prostitutes or through soap operas that showcase the inane fantasies of vapid pretty boys and girls — , so many young woman want exactly the same kind of looks.
And since Koreans lack a strong sense of individuality, anyone who lacks the Fashionable Look feels inadequate and wants to go to a plastic surgeon so that she(or even he) will look just like cartoon-like K-Pop or Soap Opera star. Koreans as a whole want to look white and hate looking Asian.
Korean-American women go for what might be called ‘ovarian plastic surgeries’ by marrying non-Korean men. Though they might not get plastic surgeries themselves, they want their own children to look white instead of ‘chinky’. So, they marry white men. As black pop culture has become prevalent in America, increasing number of Korean-American women now want children that look half-black. Koreans and Korean-Americans are mental slaves who always want to put out or surrender to the Prevailing Fashion, Norm, or Ideal. Just like all those North Koreans mindlessly surrendered to communism and all those South Koreans mindlessly surrendered to Christianity(the religion of America as the Great Power), many Korean and Korean-American women want to aesthetically surrender to the ‘superior race’.
So, Korean women get plastic surgeries to look more like ‘superior’ white people, and Korean-American women want to have kids with white or black men since whiteness and blackness are regarded as superior to yellowness. When a Korean-American woman holds an Eurasian or Afro-Asian baby in her hands, she feels so blessed because her child has been infused with the genes of the ‘superior race’. She is loathe to take the seeds of ‘inferior’ Asian men that will make her children look ‘ugly and chinky’. Indeed, many Korean-American women feel disgusted at the idea of having children with Asian men. Not only do they look down on Asian men as shorter and less manly but they are afraid that children they might have with Asian men will be inferior as ‘chinky little Asians’.They won’t admit it, but action speaks louder than words. Based on the behavior of many Asian-American women, we know that they see white men and black men as racially superior to Asian men. Asian-American women want Eurasian or Afro-Asian babies that are supposedly superior to pure Asian babies since mixed-race babies of Asian mothers received the genes of the superior races of whites or blacks.
Though Korean-American women feel this way more than Korean women do, plenty of Korean women feel the same way. Why do so many Korean women get plastic surgeries? Because they wish they’d been born of Asian mother and European father. They feel ugly because they look ‘too Asian’. So, they go to a plastic surgeon and ask to be altered so that they will look Eurasian. As the result, they all end up looking similar to one another. They may look pretty in the conventional sense, but they no longer look real or human. They look like interchangeable plastic dolls, and surely, only a people without sense of culture and genuine aesthetic sensibility would prefer such looks to what is human, unique, special, and different. What’s the point of making everyone look like a mannequin or one of those Japanese cartoon characters, most of whom look 99% alike except for hair color? That’s plastic and artificial, not human and organic.

True beauty is about differences as well as the basic standard. If you get rid of differences and just promote the basic standard, it leads to the mannequin-ization of the world. Also, it favors the Ideal over the Real. When the Ideal — usually a shallow or trashy image promoted by Pop Culture — overtakes the Real, people end up with unrealistic expectations of life. They will no longer be satisfied with real people in the real world since they are obsessed with the dream of attaining the Ideal in terms of how want to look, what kinds of lovers they want, and what kinds of children they want. This is a sickness ailing both South Korea and Japan. As both nations are so saturated with Pop Culture images, most Asian men are dissatisfied with Asian women, and most Asian women are dissatisfied with Asian men. They are hooked to Hollywood images and Hip Hop images of what is cool and what is not. Thus, Asian men and Asian women have come to devalue one another. Asian men dream of having girlfriends that look like Japanese anime characters, and Asian women dream of having white or black boyfriends with whom they can have ‘racially superior’ babies that look less Asian and more white/black. It’s no wonder that birthrates have plummeted in both nations. Men and women have developed unrealistic and self-loathing aesthetic sensibilities and sexual appetites.
What would be best for Asian societies is a revival of humanism. Humanism makes people appreciate fellow humans for what they are. It emphasizes character, morality, goodness, and personality. It’s not only about looks and whatever happens to be fashionable or ‘cool’, which are vapid and shallow qualities of ‘here today, gone tomorrow’. And once Korean men and women learn to value each other as humans instead of mannequins or pop star ideals, they will have a better chance of appreciating each other as members of the shared race, culture, and nation. And then, the race and culture can survive and carry on. But what prevails today in Korean culture today is murderous to the soul and suicidal of the race. It’s turning young Korean women into whores and turning Korean men into a bunch of wanna-be pimps who judge everything based on looks. Worse, Korean concept of beauty lacks any real aesthetic sensibility since Koreans don’t understand that what is truly special about beauty is as much about the differences/eccentricities as about standards and models. Koreans need to value their differences from other races and nations instead of trying to look just like them. And every Korean individual needs to value his or her own special looks instead of trying to conform to some Ideal promoted by stupid K-Pop or Soap Operas. This isn’t to say that everyone is beautiful. Most people range from acceptable to attractive. Only a few people are truly beautiful. But whether beautiful, average, or ugly, we should value differences and variations than submit mindlessly to the Single Standard that promotes nothing but shallow conformism and rejection of self. Whether of the mind or body, we need to think and look differently as well as uphold the common standard. Yes, there are common standards to thoughts and beauty, but if everyone thought alike, they’d be robots, not humans. And if everyone looked alike, they’d be mannequins or anime cartoon characters, not real people.

Of course, there are certain exceptions when we can understand why someone who is especially deformed or ugly might want some kind of reconstructive surgery. But otherwise, we need to favor the Real that is human over the Ideal that too often fake and artificial.

If Jeanne Moreau were Korean, she would go to a Plastic Surgeon and ask to be made to look like a Barbie Doll. That’s how dumb Koreans are.

Monday, February 2, 2015

How Korean-American Men Can Win the Sexual War against Korean-American Women

It is a fact that many Korean-American Women despise and hold Korean-American men in contempt, as least as lovers. At best, Korean-American men are okay as fathers, brothers, cousins, co-workers, and friends, but not as lovers and husbands.
For most of Korean history, Korean men only knew Korean women, and Korean women only knew Korean men. So, Korean men and Korean women loved one another and had children together. This went on for thousands of years.
But as Korea opened up to the world, Koreans began to compare themselves to other peoples, and Koreans have become filled with inferiority complex. This is especially true of Korean women. Korea is the Plastic Surgery capital of the world because Korean women want to look ‘white’. They will deny this, but most surgical procedures try to make Asian women more ‘western’. If Korean women want to look more white, it also means they want to have white-looking babies. In Hong Kong, single women who seek artificial insemination often request Scandinavian sperm. Asian women don’t want to have babies that look Asian. They want babies that look white. This is also true in America. Single Korean-American women(who want to have babies on their own) don’t want Asian sperm. They want white sperm. And those who are into Rap culture want black sperm because they think everything black is so ‘cool’ and ‘badass’.
Because Asian youth grow up watching pop culture 24/7 and since pop culture promotes white beauty and black styles, Asians want to look and act more white or black.
In America, Asian women are sexually very popular, but Asian men are sexually least popular. Not only Asian men but white men, black men, brown men, and Jewish men want Asian women. But white women, black women, brown women, Jewish women, and even Asian women don’t want Asian men who are seen as a bunch of short geeks, nerds, and losers. So, while many Asian-American women go with non-Asian men, non-Asian women generally don’t go with Asian-American men. So, a lot of Asian-American men are without women and will die celibate. Their lives will revolve around playing video games and taking up other hobbies. They will never mature to full manhood with wife and children. Of course, some Asian-American men go back to Asia and find Asian wives and bring them over here. Asian-American men are popular back in Asia because they don’t have to compete with non-Asian men. Also, they can promise Asian women that if they marry them, they will bring them to America and buy them big houses. But, is this what Korean-American men should be doing? When Korea had a population surplus, this made sense. But today, Korean demographics is in serious trouble. The Korean population will shrink by 40% every generation. The current birthrate is 1.1 per woman. Korean-American men should NOT be bringing Korean women to America. But, there’s another reason why they should not. It’s because their Korean-American daughter will growing up despising her father as a man. She will tell herself, "I don’t want to marry anyone like my father". Why not? Because American popular culture tells her that Asian men are nerds and dorks and unmanly. Also, Asian men are absent in cool areas like sports and popular sex-drenched music. Also, Korean-American girls growing up in America will notice that Asian men are shorter than non-Asian men. Also, we now live in a pornographic age when girls from young age talk about graphic sex all day. And much of their discussion is about penis size. As Asian men generally have smaller penises than non-Asian men, Korean-American girls will be ashamed to be associated with Korean-American men. Imagine a Korean-American girl married to a Korean-American man. Suppose she has Korean-American female friends married to a white guy and a black guy. The one married to a white guy will say her husband is so great because he’s tall and has angular facial features. The one married to a black guy will say her husband is so great because he’s muscular and has a big penis. But the one married to the Korean-American guy will feel ashamed that her husband isn’t manly enough. This is why many Korean-Americans have made a racial-sexual decision to not to date or marry Korean-American guys. And of course, non-Asian women feel the same way about Asian men. Therefore, many Asian-American men, rejected not only by non-Asian women but even by the women of their own race, find themselves without girlfriends and wives. So, they go to Asia to get wives. But whoever heard of an Asian-American woman going back to Asia to find an Asian husband? Asian-American women can have sex with or marry men of just about any race.

Indeed, American view of Asians fall into women-as-prostitute and men-as-servant mentality. American men have a long history of dominating Asia militarily. American men militarily lorded over Asia and enjoyed Asian women as prostitutes and girlfriends. And they found it easy to get Asian women in Asia because Asian women quickly realize that American men are bigger and richer than Asian men. American men also found Asian men to be servile and passive. Remember that when Germans defeated and occupied France, countless French women threw themselves at German soldiers. Likewise, Asian women see white and black men as sexual-racial victors over Asian men, therefore they throw themselves at non-Asian men. In female psychology, there’s no sense of racial solidarity or loyalty; there is just worship of the Alpha Male and contempt for the loser Beta Male. She may feel pity for the beta male, but the pity soon turns into contempt. There are many cases in America of black guys beating up and humiliating Asian guys, but increasing number of Asian women go with black guys than sticking with Asian guys. Why? Same reason why so many French women went with Nazi occupiers when Germany handily defeated France in 1940. America has a long history of seeing Asian men as passively surrendering their turf and women to American invaders and overlords. So, even as Asian women sexually served American men, Asian men served as ‘coolies’, lackeys, and waterboys. And this perception is very much alive in America DESPITE the so-called Asian-American ‘success story’. American men expect Asian women to ‘put out’ to them. They figure that Asian women, upon comparing Asian men with (white/black)American men, will reject their own kind and spread their legs to American men. And if we judge the Asian-American community by its actions(as opposed to its words as Asian-American women will officially deny that they despise the men of their own race), American perceptions are very much part of Asian-American reality. Great many Asian-American women have decided to racially-sexually reject men of their own race and choose the ‘superior’ men of other races. And Asian-American men don’t protest but passively resign themselves to defeat/humiliation and work diligently as nerds and laborers to contribute to the American economy. Asian-American men work and pay taxes to support the American economy while Asian-American women opt to have babies with non-Asian men.

Of course, some Asian-American women feel a bit guilty about this. After all, Asian-American daughters are the products of their Asian fathers. So, their rejection of Asian-American men is tantamount to saying, "I don’t ever want to marry a man like my father. His ilk isn’t good enough for me." But no daughter wants to hate her father. Therefore, what Asian-American girls try to do is be extra-nice to their fathers. They sexually reject the men of their own race, and they would never marry men who look like their fathers. But by playing the dutiful daughter, they can pretend that they’ve remained loyal to their Asian heritage and culture. "Dad, I don’t want to marry anyone like you, but here’s a set of golf clubs for Father’s Day." They may even try to remind their children that they’re half-Asian. But if Asian consciousness is SO important to these Asian-American women, why did they reject the men of their own race? Why did they willfully make a racial-sexual decision to reject the seeds of the men of their own race while receiving the seeds of men of other races?
As Asian-American girls were raised with other Asian-Americans, surely they had ample opportunities to find Asian-American men, especially since so many Asian-American men are without women. But the fact that so many Asian-American women choose to marry outside the race means that they sexually despise Asian-American men. They want to have babies that look Eurasian or Afro-Asian.
But then, even as they sexually reject Asian-American men, they demand that they be culturally accepted by the Asian community. They think, "Asian-American men are not good enough for me, but my part-Asian children are just as good for the Asian community." They want to have the cake and eat it too. I would argue that Asian community should reject those who reject it. Sexual rejection is a form of rejection. A race exists because men and women of that race choose to have children together. If every Jew marries a non-Jew for the next 200 yrs, there won’t be any Jews left. Eventually, there might be people who are 1/4 Jewish, 1/8 Jewish, 1/16 Jewish, and etc. but people with such divided loyalties can’t be said to be anything. (To be sure, Jewishness, even when mixed, is more likely to survive as a cultural consciousness than Korean-American-ness is. Jews are a great people and have a great culture respected all around the world. Also, Jewishness is so revered in America that even someone who’s 1/4 Jewish may insist on his/her Jewishness because it’s deemed so noble, profound, tragic, and awesome to be Jewish. But what is Korean-ness associated with American culture? Smelly Kimchee, dog-eating, and yellow-faced clowns imitating rappers because, apparently even after 2,500 yrs of history, there’s nothing of Korean culture to be proud of. This is why, in order for Korean culture and identity to be preserved, it is necessary to emphasize the unity of race and culture. Korean cultural identity alone cannot compete with something like Jewish identity/culture. Even someone who is 1/4 or even 1/8 Jewish wants to be identified as a Jew. Besides, because Jews are powerful in Wall Street, Hollywood, Washington, Las Vegas, and etc, being even part-Jewish makes for good resume to win favors from fellow tribalists. But there’s no cultural, social, or economic advantage in being Korean or part Korean in America. Indeed, when even pure-blooded Korean girls are so eager to erase themselves genetically by receiving the seeds of non-Korean men — and never ever from Korean men — , Korean-Americans mustn’t delude themselves that Korean consciousness will survive massive race-mixing. Korean culture and identity can only be preserved by the racial-cultural unity of Koreans, something that is nearly impossible in America because too many Korean-American women despise Korean-American men as lovers. Indeed in many cases, the ONLY reason Korean-American women will marry Korean-American men is if the latter have lots of money. And Korean-American men try to win Korean-American women by showering them with gifts and money. But how shallow and corrupt is that? The idea of trying to impress the women of your own race with money because they hate you racially and sexually.)
Of course, it’s not true that every Asian-American who marries non-Asian chose to do so out of ‘auto-racist’ reasons — hatred of one’s own race. While it’s true that many Asian-American have a willful determination NOT to marry an Asian-American male, some Asian-American women marry men of other races for individual reasons. They just happen to meet and fall in love. But when we look at the overall statistics, who can deny that many Asian-American women have a willful hatred and contempt for Asian-American men. Even though their private sexual organs, the vaginas, were created by the union of their Asian fathers and Asian mothers, they’ve decided that their vaginas are only to be opened to men of other races because Asian-American men are deemed to be racially-sexually inferior and unworthy of implanting their semen into wombs of Asian-American women.

But such feeling exist not only in Asian-America but in Asia itself. As Asian youths grow up with pop culture 24/7 — earlier generations had much less TV time and no internet, therefore their sense of Asian-ness came more from community, family, customs, and etc. — and hooked to globalist internet, their idea of coolness comes from America that is saturated with American sports(where Asian men have no presence), pop culture/music(that is increasingly pornified and devoid of Asian men), and American celebrity culture(that has a place for Asian-American women as mamasan or Suzie Wongs but no room for Asian-American men except as nerds and geeks).

So, Asian-American men are losing the sexual battle. Asian-American women are winning. And this is especially true in the Korean-American community. Korean-Americans are known to be the most crass, shallow, materialistic, vulgar, trashy, and obnoxious among all Asian-Americans. Why is this? Is it because Koreans have more an impulsive nature and tend to indulge in things in excess: drinking, smoking, partying, loose sex, and etc? Is it because Koreans, unlike Chinese, have less of a cultural pride? Chinese can take pride in being part of a great civilization. Korean civilization, in contrast, was just an imitation of the Chinese. The Korean Way has been to worship and imitate whatever happens to be The Greater Culture. For thousands of years, Koreans looked up to China as the Great Nation. During the first half of the 20th century, most Koreans collaborated with the Great Japanese. And since the 1950s, South Koreans have worshiped everything American since America is the great power. So, many Koreans mindlessly surrendered to Christianity. They surrendered to Hollywood norms. And many Korean-American parents don’t even allow their children to speak the Korean language in the house. The Korean way is to be servile dogs to whomever is deemed to be superior. Korean parents teach this mind-set to their kids, so Korean-American kids are mindlessly slavish to whatever happens to be ‘hot and cool’ and whoever happens to be ‘rich and glamorous’. And Korean-American women are eager to marry up with ‘superior’ men and don’t want to be stuck with ‘inferior’ Korean-American men. Korean-American men are seen as Hyundai cars of manhood. In Korea, majority of Koreans buy Korean cars, but in America, many Korean-Americans don’t want to be associated with such an ‘inferior product’ and want to drive a Mercedes, Lexus, or BMW. Same applies in the sexual marketplace. Korean-American women see Korean-American men as a bunch of Hyundais.

Anyway, even as Korean-American men lose the sexual battle, they can win the sexual war. They should make plans to return to Korea and settle down over there with Korean wife and children. Korean-American men must NOT bring Korean women to America. Their daughters will grow up despising their own fathers as men and will go with men of other races who are deemed to be superior. And their sons will grow up undesired by not only non-Asian women but by Asian women. Can Asian-American men really call United States their true home when it’s a society where even the women of their own race reject them and see them as unworthy? US is a great for business opportunities and sight-seeing, but it can never be the true homeland of Asian men. A true homeland for any group of men is where their women respect them and want to have children with them. If Korean-American men return to Korea and have children with Korean women, they will be in their true home. This isn’t to say that Koreans must only work in Korea. In our globalized age, Koreans work all over the world: America, Europe, the Middle East, Israel, Southeast Asia, and etc. But when it comes to their home-base, Korean men need to make Korea their true homeland . It’s like Israeli Jews work in Europe, America, Latin America, and etc. but they still maintain their family home-base in Israel. Likewise, Koreans can experience and work with the entire world, but when it comes to their home base, they must return to and defend Korea. And this is a golden opportunity for Korean-American men since so many Korean women are single. If Korean-American men return to Korea in huge numbers, marry Korean women, and have Korean babies, they can control the future of Korea. Sadly, too many Korean men have become unfit to be husband and fathers because the culture of cram-schooling and mindless conformity(to anachronistic social norms and trashy pop culture) have stunted their growth intellectually, culturally, morally, and emotionally. Of course, there are idiotic Korean-American men whose culture revolves around trashy ghetto rap music, dumb Hollywood movies, video games, and vulgar TV shows, but one advantage of Americanism is that allows greater maturation for those with independent voices(though, lately with all this Political Correctness, even America is turning into a dumb country where everyone must worship Jews and homosexuals or else be blacklisted and destroyed).

Anyway, if Korean-American men re-learn the language, relearn the culture, and return to Korea and have children with Korean women, they will win the sexual war. Sure, Korean-American women are winning the sexual battle by having sex and children with men of other races. But their children will only be half-Korean, and their children will become 1/4 Korean, then 1/8 Korean, and then 1/16 Korean. In time, Koreanness won’t mean anything to them. They will just generically become part of something else.
Consider the Jewish community. For thousands of years, some Jews left the community and married with non-Jews. In time, their children forgot their Jewishness and just became Arabs, Iranians, Turks, Greeks, Moroccans, Italians, and etc. They were culturally and racially lost to other peoples. But Jews who maintained their racial-cultural sense of Jewishness kept on producing new Jews by the union of Jewish men and Jewish women. If the Jewish community still exists, it is because of those Jews who clung to their sense of Jewishness. If all Jews had married with non-Jews long ago, Jewish identity and culture would have vanished a thousand years ago. Likewise in the modern era, it’s the Orthodox Jewish community that is winning the sexual war against the assimilationist Jewish community. Assimilationist Jews might find their ‘shikse babes’, but with the passing of each generation, it is becoming less and less Jewish. And many of them forget their Jewishness altogether. In contrast, the Orthodox Jewish community grows larger and more powerful since they maintain the racial-sexual unity within the race. They will determine the future of Jewish race and culture.

Likewise, the assimilationist Korean community will fade away into other races. But a Orthodox sense of Koreanness — or the Korthodox Community — will survive as a race and culture. Some might argue that mixed-race Korean-Americans will carry on with Korean identity, but I doubt it. If pure-blooded Korean-Americans have such weak sense of Korean history, culture, and identity, what chance is there that 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16th Korean-Americans will care about Koreanness? If someone is 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 Jewish, and 1/4 Korean, he or she will have to divide his/her cultural/racial loyalties four ways. That is too difficult, and therefore, he or she will just become a ‘generic American’ whose cultural identity is mostly defined by pop culture, fashion, and other shallow stuff that blows in and out with the wind.
If you mix orange juice with milk, it’s only half-orange juice. If you mix orange juice with milk, grape juice, and cola, it’s only 1/4 orange juice. Pretending that this mixed drink is as much an orange juice as a pure glass of orange juice is ludicrous.
Of course, culture isn’t only about race. There are Koreans who were adopted by the French and raised by French. They don’t know anything about Korean language and culture even though they are 100% Korean by blood. And since their own nation rejected them and since France adopted them and cared for them, I believe their main loyalties should be to France.
Identity isn’t just about race and it’s not just about culture. It’s a combination of both. I can learn Greek, but that doesn’t make me Greek. A Greek can learn Hindi, but that doesn’t make him Hindu. But a Greek by blood who speaks Greek is truly Greek.

Anyway, if Korean-American men return to Korea and have lots of children with Korean women they will preserve Korean-ness, and their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will also preserve and continue with the line of Korean-ness that goes back 2,500 yrs(and further if we include barbarian and primitive Korea that had the same basic DNA). In contrast, Korean-American women might get their sexual pleasures by playing the role of mama-sans and Suzie Wongs, but their children will forget their Korean-ness and their children’s children will become even less Korean and just become generically ‘American’ which today means consuming trashy pop culture and worshiping homosexual elites from morning to night.

Consider the Jews. Jews who assimilated with non-Jews lost all sense of Jewishness. But Jews who maintained the racial-cultural-sexual unity of the community remained as Jews. They survived as a race and culture, and they came to do great things AS Jews. So, if Korean-American men want to win the sexual war against stuck-up Korean-American women who reject men of their own race with contempt, they need to relearn their language, return to Korea, and regenerate Korea with children they have with Korean women.